This allows any team to collaborate together to make a collective tier list. It allows each team member to vote on their preferred items, and the result is aggregated in clear views.

Below you can find an example that can be quite useful to rank the restaurants around an area. And you can find an empty tier list, which you can duplicate and use for your use case.

Capture d’écran 2024-11-10 à 21.08.55.png

Capture d’écran 2024-11-10 à 21.09.09.png

How to use

  1. Duplicate the template below and rename it
  2. Configure the template by adding your items, adding any needed properties, and optionally prepare voting views for the users.
  3. Each user will need to vote line by line selecting his own name, selecting the item and the tier
  4. The results will be in the results board

Demo: The restaurants tier list

Restaurants tier list

Your tier list:

Template: Duplicate and Personnalise